Web Analytics Wednesday

Web Analytics Wednesday

WAW Copenhagen #2

289 views November 06, 2019

On October 30, 2019, IIH Nordic held the second Web Analytics Wednesday Copenhagen 2019 alongside...

Web Analytics Wednesday

Rob McLaughlin (Sky) - Omnichannel...

1,122 views August 28, 2018

Digital channels offer organisations the ability to recognise customers and personalise...

Web Analytics Wednesday

Talk: Beyond the Cloud - Mark Edmondson

1,231 views March 06, 2018

How we work with data has today moved far beyond from an Excel sheet to cloud tools/services....

Web Analytics Wednesday

Talk: Getting Personal - Data Driven Personas...

1,072 views March 06, 2018

Personalised marketing is rapidly becoming a critical success factor for the majority of brand...

Web Analytics Wednesday

Introduction to WAW

3,703 views February 21, 2017

Web Analytics Wednesday is the largest global community event for the data analytics and online...

Web Analytics Wednesday

Jomar Reyes (IIH Nordic) Digital Marketing...

1,467 views December 22, 2016

Today's marketing is dependent on an ecosystem of cloud based applications, social networks and...

Web Analytics Wednesday

Paul Bongers (Searchmetrics) - SEO, Search...

2,393 views April 19, 2016

The Google algorithm is looking more at the experience than just keywords. Bongers of...

Web Analytics Wednesday

Ludvik Høegh-Krohn (OMG) - Web Analytics of...

1,443 views February 01, 2016

Lidvik has more than 10 years of experience with online advertising, SEO, web analytics and...

Web Analytics Wednesday

Florian Steps (Teradata) - From Target Groups...

1,308 views February 03, 2016

Florian is a seasoned marketing professional with experience in telecommunications, medical...

Web Analytics Wednesday

Patrick Kitchell (Microsoft) - The collapse of...

4,299 views February 01, 2016

Patrick is a veteran of CRM, social media and a vocal thought leader pushing the boundaries of...

Web Analytics Wednesday

Peter Meyer (IIH Nordic)- Enterprise Analytics...

1,877 views February 01, 2016

(Danish) Peter Meyer is a Senior Web Analytics Technician working on some of the trends of some...